Green Hostels - Zielone SchroniskaPolish Tourist and Sightseeing Society

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Kasina Wielka - the Church of St. Mary Magdalene and a unique railway station

Kasina Wielka is the oldest village of Zagórze, mentioned in documents as early as in 1254. It is worth to see there the wooden Church of St. Mary Magdalene, which is located on the Małopolska Wooden Architecture Route. It dates from 1624; and its two-storey tower from 1760. Inside, on the rood beam a crucifix and figures of Our Lady and St. John (cut out from planks of wood) of the 17th century were placed. Fragments of baroque murals preserved on the ceiling.

Kasina Wielka is also the place where Poland's currently highest-altitude railway station is located (570 m a.s.l.). This 19th-century station has been the setting for many films, including "Schindler's List" or "Edges of the Lord". In October 2006, Andrzej Wajda shot there a few scenes for the "Katyń" film.

In season, you can go on a retro train ride there. The train runs mostly on the route to Nowy Sącz, with stops in Rabka, Mszana Dolna, Kasina Wielka (a so-called platform picnic is an additional attraction), Tymbark, Limanowa