HostelPTTK Mountain Hostel on Stare Wierchy

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PTTK Mountain Hostel on Stare Wierchy

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temperature: 7°C / -7°C
PTTK Mountain Hostel on Stare Wierchy
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PTTK Mountain Hostel on Stare Wierchy

This hostel lies at the altitude of 968 m a.s.l., in a large Stare Wierchy clearing in the western part of the Gorce, near a trail stretching from Turbacz to Rabka. From the hostel's windows and a nearby clearing, in good weather you can admire a panorama of the Tatras, Beskid Wyspowy and some of the Gorce peaks, and on a clear day you can even see the Babia Góra Mountain.

This one-storey chalet-style hostel was built in 1932. Unfortunately, it was burned down in 1945 by German troops after their fight with a unit of the Home Army.

The new building was officially put into use on 13th January 1974.

The hostel offers 25 beds available in 2-, 3-, 4-, 5- and 7-person rooms. In the building there is a cafeteria and a kitchen with a versatile menu.

In winter, the clearing's ski slope offer favourable conditions for alpine skiing. Nearby the hostel there is a ski lift open for winter. Around the hostel, there are also many trails for enthusiasts of cross-country skiing, as well as trails for those who enjoy horseback riding or biking in summer.

Contact details:
Address: Schronisko Górskie PTTK na Starych Wierchach
34-404 Klikuszowa k/Nowego Targu
Phone number: 888-915-846

Bartosz Sobczyk has been the housekeeper of the hostel since April 2013.
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