HostelPTTK Mountain Hostel on Luboń Wielki

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PTTK Mountain Hostel on Luboń Wielki

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temperature: 25°C / 13°C
Lightly cloudy

The ruins of the medieval castle and city walls in Dobczyce

The castle was built here during the time when Poland was divided into districts. It was a mountain fortress, incorporated in the defense system of Kraków. The tower is probably the oldest part of the castle, and it is now a major tourist attraction.

In the 16th century, the castle was rebuilt in the Renaissance style. During the reign of Kazimierz Jagiellończyk, an academy for the royal sons training under the supervision of Jan Długosz, was located here. In 1655, the city and the castle were destroyed during the Swedish invasion, and two years later by Rakoczy. It was then that starost Michał Jordan made an attempt at restoring the fortress.

In 1786, the Dobczyce lands came under the Austrian rule. A few years later, the starosty was put up for sale. The new owners used the demolition materials to erect in 1828-1834 a church in the Old Town. In addition, these materials were also exported to Kraków to be used in the construction of the Vistula embankments.

Currently, there is the Władysław Kowalski PTTK Regional Museum located in the rebuilt part of the castle.

The most valuable monuments of Dobczyce, however, are the 14th and 15th-century walls. They constitute unique cultural heritage. In their heyday, they were approximately 700 m long and 1.5 m wide. Unfortunately, during the Swedish invasion both, the fortifications and the city on the hill, suffered great damage. To this day, in the best condition remained a 60-meter long section of the wall with the tower ruins and the entrance gate, where a wall plaque commemorating the occasion of the 600th anniversary of the foundation of the town was fixed in.


Skansen drewnianego budownictwa ludowego w Dobczycach
ul. Podgórska 1 (Zamek),
32-410 Dobczyce