HostelPTTK Mountain Hostel on Luboń Wielki

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PTTK Mountain Hostel on Luboń Wielki

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temperature: 7°C / -7°C
PTTK Mountain Hostel on Luboń Wielki
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PTTK Mountain Hostel on Luboń Wielki

This mountain hostel is situated on Luboń Wielki at the altitude of 1022 m a.s.l. and is the only facility of this kind in the Beskid Wyspowy. The massif of Luboń is located between Rabka, Mszana Dolna and Tenczyn. The Szczebel, Lubogoszcz and Babia Góra peaks are well visible from the clearing in front of the hostel.

The main building, put into use in August 1931, looks quite originally. This square building has high stone foundations. It is the only hostel which has a room on the first floor with windows facing the four quarters of the world and overlooking a panorama of Beskid Wyspowy, Beskid Makowski, Beskid Żywiecki, Gorce and Tatra Mountains.

During World War II, as part of the fight against the Home Army partisans, German troops were to burn the building. Fortunately, it was saved and after the war the hostel was renovated.

Next to the main building, there is a summer mountain shelter, commonly called the "Baba Yaga House". Altogether, the facilities include 25 beds: 10 in the multi-person room in the main building and 15 in the 1-, 2- and multi-person rooms in the shelter. The hostel offers a wide range of discounts, PTTK discounts are accepted, and there are many special offers - including free lodging. Detailed information can be found on the website.

The housekeepers organise local tours, parties, bonfires and lamb roasting, as well as rides in off-road cars. The hostel is not far from the Luboń Wielki Nature Reserve, the most deforested area in the Beskid Wyspowy with numerous caves. Moreover, these areas are perfect for those who want to practise para-aviation. The hostel is open also during the winter, and there are many very attractive trails for enthusiasts of cross-country skiing, which can get you to the facility.

Contact details:
Address: Schronisko Górskie PTTK na Luboniu Wielkim,
34 - 701 Rabka Zaryte 165
Phone numbers: 608 791 020, 18 267643, 604 876110

The housekeeper of the hostel is Krzysztof Knofliczek.
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