HostelPTTK Mountain Hostel on Luboń Wielki

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PTTK Mountain Hostel on Luboń Wielki

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temperature: 5°C / -6°C

Bernardine Monastery Complex in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska

This Manieristic and Baroque monastery complex was founded in the early seventeenth century by Mikołaj Zebrzydowski. The most important building of the complex is the Our Lady of the Angels Church, expanded in 1702 by the Czartoryscy family. This basilica has three dome chapels: MB Cudowna of 1658-1667, St. Antoni Paderewski of 1687, and the Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception of 1749. Inside the church, special attention should be paid to the twentieth century wall paintings by Włodzimierz Tetmajer.


Klasztor oo. Bernardynów
Kalwaria Zebrzydowska

ul. Bernardyńska 46