HostelMaciejowa PTTK Mountain Shelter

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Maciejowa PTTK Mountain Shelter

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Maciejowa PTTK Mountain Shelter
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Maciejowa PTTK Mountain Shelter

Adventure tourism mountain hostel - PTTK Mountain Shelter is situated in Gorce in the Przysłop clearing on a mountain ridge extending from Turbacz to Rabka. The name of the facility can be misleading as it is situated at a distance of about 1 km from the Maciejowa summit (815 m a.s.l.) at an altitude of 852 m a.s.l. The shelter overlooks a wide panorama extending from the Wierchowa mountain peak to the Babia Góra peak. In good weather the Tatras mountain range is visible from there.

Maciejowa mountain shelter is one of the 10 adventure tourism shelters in Poland. It was built through the work of a PTTK activist, Edward Moskała, and the PTTK branch in Rabka, as part of a large operation consisting in building small mountain hostels. In 1975, the location for the building on the purchased land in the Przysłop clearing was chosen, and the works were entrusted to PTTK Renovation and Construction Company of Zakopane.

The shelter's wooden structure was constructed on the basis of a typical design of Stanislaw Karpiel. The construction lasted quite long and, in the end, the shelter was not opened until the autumn of 1977.

Taking advantage of the protracted construction period, the interior design was seen to. Numerous carved elements of utensils for daily use were created by the employees of RCC, who are graduates of the Antoni Kenar High School of Fine Arts in Zakopane. Especially worth paying attention to are: the partition wall separating the staircase from the lobby, the bulletin board, radiator covers and chairs.

The shelter is able to accommodate 22 people in 2 -, 4 - and multi-person tourist-standard rooms. The ground floor includes a kitchen and a dining room, and there are bathrooms in the basements. Not only PTTK discounts are taken into account, but also the "Third Night's Lodging 50% off" and "Birthday Person for Free" special offers were introduced.

The shelter is a perfect base camp for those who love hiking or biking. During the winter, there are two ski lifts nearby, and it is possible to rent snowshoes in the shelter. Stays with full board, such as winter or holiday camps or stays for school groups, are organised for larger groups. Literary meetings, slide shows, and special events are also held here.

Contact details:
Address: Bacówka PTTK na Maciejowej
34-700 Rabka Zdrój
Phone number:18 44 757 29

The housekeeper of the shelter is Piotr Zagórski.
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