HostelEye of the Sea Hostel

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temperature: 12°C / 5°C
Mostly cloudy

Open-air Museum of Wooden Folk Architecture in Dobczyce

This open-air museum is a part of the PTTK Regional Museum and is located on the Małopolska Wooden Architecture Route. It includes:

- a hen house, in which such domestic appliances as a plough, a harrow, wooden shovels, iron ploughs, millstones, a rettery (machine processing flax or hemp into fibre), a hive with two partitions and other;
- a corn granary - a former smithy with the necessary blacksmith tools was reconstructed here;
- a coach house, where a court sleigh used for sleigh rides, a large fanning mill for cleaning grain, and a large (50-liter) oak barrel with cranks for making butter are kept;
- the House of Burial Cult;
- an inn moved here from Krzyszkowice and placed on the site of a former inn, which was still open at the beginning of the 20th century. There is a main hall, an alcove, a kitchen and a guilds chamber. In the main hall, you can see folk costumes and hunting trophies, as well as archival photographs of Dobczyce prior to the creation of a reservoir The guilds chamber is divided into sectors, in which tools used in craft workshops, such as tanning, saddler's, carpentry, wheeler's, weaving, turning and pottery workshops are shown.
The museum also includes the oldest - from 1604 - chapel in Dobczyce, depicting Christ the Man of Sorrows.


Skansen drewnianego budownictwa ludowego w Dobczycach
ul. Podgórska 1 (Zamek),
32-410 Dobczyce