HostelEye of the Sea Hostel

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Eye of the Sea Hostel

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temperature: 12°C / 5°C
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Mszana – Lubogoszcz – Kasina Wielka

This route allows you to walk through the entire Lubogoszcz massif, along the main ridge. It connects two important in terms of tourism villages at its foot. Unfortunately, apart from the  lower parts, the massif is devoid of any panoramic views, and in some places the approach is very steep.

Wandering along the red trail starts in the centre of Mszana Dolna. Signs will lead you starting from the bridge on Mszanka. The route, however, separates from the trail towards Limanowa and turns left between some buildings. In the residential district of Sutory, the trail leads out of the city, at first heading north.

As you follow the route, the view of the Szczebel, Luboń Wielki, the northern ridges of Gorce and the peak of Mogielica are becoming increasingly better visible among fields and orchards. On the right, the steep southern slopes of the Lubogoszcz, intersected by ravines, become closer and closer. The trail turns right, towards the peak.

The steep parts are approached in the forest, and as the trail leads you past the steep parts, the approach becomes easier. On the left side, you can see the black trail. The red trail goes further and descends for a moment, in order to take you up to the top after a while - almost flat at first, then slightly rising. Along the way, you pass through a not very distinct culmination known as the Kozia Broda [A goatee beard], and the trail reaches the top of the Lubogoszcz (968 m). Here, on the right you will be able to see the green trail coming also from Mszana Dolna. There used to be a very nice meadow there, but it overgrew with plants and now there is no chance of seeing a nice panorama.

From that point, the trail is very steep and steady descends towards Kasina Wielka. The route goes through a beech forest and later through a spruce forest. With the exception of a small clearing overlooking the Śnieżnica Massif, it is almost completely devoid of any panoramas. At the foot of the mountain, the trail leads out of the forest and, as a path, goes in the direction of the Mszana Dolna – Dobczyce road. It turns left at a shrine found along the way and leads in the direction of Kasina Wielka.

Some information:

Lubogoszcz (968 m) – The peak was once deforested and had an observation tower at its top. Currently, it is a wooded area and, as time passed by, the wooden tower decayed and collapsed. In 1924, on the western slope, in Kasinka Mała, in the Kopieniec farmstead on the black trail, at an altitude of 600 m above sea level the Training and Relaxation Base "Lubogoszcz" was built by the YMCA association (the black trail from Kasinka Mała).
Above the height of 500-550 meters above sea level, Lubogoszcz is completely wooded. The trees growing on it are considered valuable and for that reason the seeds of the coniferous trees growing here are collected and gathered in the central seed bank. In the past, there used to be a large clearing on the eastern tip, however, to the detriment of the scenic values it was forested​​. At present, you can see panoramas only from the lower parts of the trails. The Lubogoszcz is also one of only two in the whole Beskid Wyspowy places where Phyllitis scolopendrium grows (the other one is in the Kostrza Nature Reserve). The plant on Lubogoszcz was discovered in 2003 and its population here amounts now to around 500 specimens.

Time required to cover the whole route: 3h 30m
Length of the entire route: 9,6km