HostelEye of the Sea Hostel

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Eye of the Sea Hostel

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Dolina Kościeliska


It is located in the Western Tatras. It has about 9 km in length, circumference about 27 km and an area approximately 35 km ². From the west, its northern border forms a ridge on the front jumper Siwy Kopka, from the south ridge of the main section from the Małołączniak Siwy jumper, from the east north-west ridge of the small subalpine Małołączniaka.

It has many side branches, most of them are Miętusia Valley, the Valley and the Valley Pyszniańska Tomanowa (delicious). Other more branches are under Wysranki gully, ravine Krakow, Raging gully, Iwanowska Dolinka, Valley Smytnia. Bottom of the valley stream flows Kościeliska.

The highest point in the environment Kościeliska a glance (2159 m). The valley is visible, although it is not directly over it, Gusty (2248 m) - highest peak in the Western Tatras.

Kościeliska Valley creates a long and deep rocky gorge, whose walls in three places called gateways are approaching close to each other. They are: Niznia (Kantak Gate), Intermediate (Kraszewski Gate) and Vyšné Kościeliska Gate (Gate Raptawicka).

The southern part of the valley is made up of crystalline rocks. Prominent impact on the lay of the land had here Pleistocene glaciers (valley glacier), formerly flowed up to the mouth of the valley Smytniej.

The middle and bottom is made of sedimentary rocks, mainly limestone, dolomite and shale, and subordinate sandstones. Each of these rocks is characterized by different resistance to weathering and erosion. These rocks form the tectonic units called płaszczowinami, occur here and nappe nappe Wierchowe montane.

In forming the main part of the valley had its bottom flowing and flowing stream Kościeliska inside rock fissures underground water. The result of their activities are fantastically shaped rocks, steep walls and numerous caves, and vast expansion, as the Old Glade, Glade Pisana, Old Koscielisko, Vyšné Miętusia Kira.

In the Valley Koscieliska are some very popular and accessible tourist caves: Cave Frost, Dragon's Den, Cave wrong, Cave and Cave Raptawicka Obłazkowa.

Interesting flora. Among other things, Here was the presence of these rare plants in the Polish Carpathians, as cotoneaster kutnerowata, aconite Kotula, podejźrzon rutolistny, dioecious sedge, wielosił blue, gold plating small [1].

In the past Kościeliska Valley was related to the steel industry. Silver, copper and antimony were mined here since the end of the fifteenth century from the late eighteenth mined mainly in iron ore. The Old Kościeliskach melted the ore, was a smithy, workers cottages, inn, lodge and church workers. That name comes from the church of the valley. While the inn was in a clearing at the bridge leading to the Ice Gate Sources and Kraszewski, leased it from the Count Władysław Zamoyski John Slowinski. Through the Valley Kościeliska, and further by Tomanowa Pass trail led to Slovakia, which were traveling merchants from jucznymi horses and smugglers. On the way they attacked the robbers sometimes, as evidenced by historical records and the names of the rocks which lay in wait for the robbers: Bandit Windows, outlaws turn, Bandit table. At the end of the eighteenth century appeared in her first tourists, from 1815 r valley has already become very popular for tourists - it wandered up to the top of Gusty, to admire the sunrise. The inspiration for their works here drew such famous artists as: Deotyma, Wojciech Gerson, Seweryn Goszczyński, Valery Elijah-Radzikowski, Kazimierz break-Tetmajer, Stefan Zeromski and others. The lodge was created first hostel. John Pawlikowski Gwalbert began to explore and describe the caves. During World War II hiding in the valley of the partisan. Shchors and couriers Tatra valley they crossed the border.

Kościeliska Valley was also a favorite destination for treasure hunters, as evidenced by numerous, left their marks on the rocks.

Tourist Information
Directions from Zakopane to the hamlet of Kira (927 m). Buses and vans. Before entering to Kościeliska paid parking for cars and buses. No entry to the Valley of the vehicles. Valley can be visited on foot or by horse-drawn carriages highland (in summer) and sleigh rides (in winter). In the tourist season traffic is huge - it is one of the most crowded places in the mountains. The valley lies in the Tatra National Park. Admission fee (a few pounds per person). From the valley comes a lot of hiking trails. In the upper part of the valley Kościeliska (with Kir 5.5 km, 1:30 hours on foot) lodge is located on Hall Ornak (1100 m).


Source: wikipedia

Time required to cover the whole route: 1h 40m
Length of the entire route: 4,6km