HostelEye of the Sea Hostel

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Eye of the Sea Hostel

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temperature: 15°C / 6°C
Mostly cloudy

Dolina Strążyska

The valley is the result of an earthquake fault that cuts in this place, from Żlebu Kirkor whole regie. It has an area of ​​about 4 square kilometers and a length of 3 km. It is wooded, but on both of its steep slopes can be seen numerous rocky turn. The most prominent of these is Chimney Rock Strazyska and Edward Jelinek. Bottom of the valley flows Strazyska rapid stream. Józef Ignacy Kraszewski wrote about the valley: "Land of silence and dreams, and so beautiful." Currently, nothing lost in her beauty, silence is no longer a country, however, very rarely, because it is one of the most visited valleys in the Tatras (about 6% of total attendance of the Tatra Mountains).

0.5 km from the mouth of the valley's Młyniska logs, on which stands forester TPN. In the upper part of the valley is situated in a small glade Strążyska, where there are two booths, refreshments and a large boulder named by former tourists Sphinx. The intersection clearing trails.

The name of the clearing, as well as derived from the highland valleys of words denoting pen stalls for milking sheep. Formerly grazed, was included in the Hall Strazyska. The oldest references from the documents found on the valley from 1605, and the name Strążyska longer appears in 1669 in 1961 took over the clearing and grazing TPN eliminated. The road through the valley was made by a court of Zakopane and the Tatra Society in the years 1893-1896.

Strążyska Valley is a very popular destination for tourists because of its great attraction, and also because the trail runs through here Giewont. At the mouth of the valley is the villa of "Roma" and parking, commute too busy here. Interesting flora. Among other things, found in the valley of the presence of these rare plants in Poland, as nieszpułkowy mountain ash, alpine rozrzutka pine drzewokosa, aconite Kotula, cotoneaster kutnerowata, gilding small.

Time required to cover the whole route: 35m
Length of the entire route: 1,3km