HostelEye of the Sea Hostel

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Eye of the Sea Hostel

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temperature: 12°C / 5°C
Mostly cloudy


Nosal (1206 m) - the elevation montane in the Western Tatras on Kuznice, between Swift Valley and the Valley Olczyską. The name comes from the shape of the mountain rocks of north-western side, resembling the nose.

It is the end of the north-eastern ridge Kasprowy. Nosal podnóżami northern boundary between the Tatras and Trench Tatras (and more specifically the part known as the Trench Zakopane). From the south side Nosalowa Pass (1102 m) separates it from the wooded Nieborak.

It is made exclusively from sedimentary rocks - limestones and dolomites of the Middle Triassic. The highest walls rise from the west. To the east, there is a lot smaller pen belt rocks. Besides, it is entirely forested. In addition to the common spruce in the mountains here are beech, Scots pine, and even artificially introduced black pine. From the north-west and west from the summit of a steep cliff drops. There were fatal accidents on it, especially among hunters szarotek, turn these were also selected by the suicides.

On the rocks wapieniolubnych interesting flora, including there is growing edelweiss, primrose łyszczak. There are also rare in Poland orchids: dwulistnik muszy and wyblin jednolistny [1]. The rare animals live lynx, deer, eagle owl.

Nosal is popular with tourists and skiers. On the wooded northern slope is Nosal ski center with several lifts. From the top lift station also runs downhill through the pass to Kuźnice Nosalową. From the top, although niewysokiego, offers interesting views of the Red Wierchy Giewont, the river valley area, and granite peaks rising above the Valley of the caterpillar and the Valley Pańszczyca.

He was also popular with mountaineers. In the west, descending to the river valley walls is about 30 climbing routes. They also trained Rescue Team. However, the Tatra National Park climbing banned here.


Source: wikipedia

Time required to cover the whole route: 1h 0m
Length of the entire route: 2km