HostelEye of the Sea Hostel

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Eye of the Sea Hostel

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temperature: 12°C / 5°C
Mostly cloudy

Dolina Białego

White Valley - montane valley in the Western Tatras, situated between the rafters and rock Sarnia

The valley has a length of 2.5 km and an area of ​​300 hectares. Limited to:

    from the west ridge that rise from the walls of the Long Giewont, in which there are Vyšné Dry Pass, dry tip, Low Pass, Dry, Dry Mountain, Red Rock Pass and Port Huron, then north-east ridge of hills Sarnia Rock Pendants, Łomika and Kopy over the White
    from the south and south-east part of the ridge Long Giewont from Juhaskiej Kopy by Vyšné skate and turn the white to skate, then Kalacką kick, White Ridge, Nizhny Vyšné and White Pass
    Little east rafters, Siwarowym saddle, rafters and the north-west arm.

White Valley outlet is located at an altitude of about 910 m asl on the road under Reglami, near 0.5 km west of the Great rafters, on the southern edge of the White Forest. In its upper valley of the White distributed a brief grańką Zameczkami and needle from the two branches of similar size - a dry valley to the west and the nameless valley to the east, which is above the gully turns into skate. For the Dry Valleys is considered torn sloping gully and gully, gully to the east branch of the sticks (the Nizhny White Pass), and the main part of Siwarowy gully (with Siwarowego Saddles) - all from the orographic right side.

The valley is dissected in sedimentary rocks: limestones, dolomites, subordinate shales. It is generally narrow and deeply indented, with a karst gorge - especially the lower section at the foot of the pulpit, called boilers. In the valley there are numerous rocks in the stream thresholds and small waterfalls and baniory [5]. It flows through the White Stream, a large drop of about 187 m / km.

Vegetation found in the valley is a typical lower montane vegetation (ie, spruce, beech, fir). Near the exit is on the rocks, one of the lowest positions of the Mountain Pine (920 m), and in the upper zone of the forest - clusters of limb. Because of the huge massif of shading operations Giewont White Valley climate is much more severe than it would with its elevation above sea level, a floor vegetation is here reduced. Interesting flora. Among other things, Here was the presence of leafless Storz (not recently confirmed its existence, the described position extinct), ostrożenia bullhead, pine drzewokosej, gnidosza Hacquet and irgi kutnerowatej - rare plants in Poland, found only in few places. Environmental values ​​are protected by the White Valley since 1954, when a strict nature reserve was established here, which later (1965) named Stanislaw Sokolowski. One of the main reasons for its establishment was the need to protect the capercaillie and black grouse.

The upper part of the White Valley was once the White Hall. On its site was located (in the Dry Valley at the foot of Red Pass) Glade White. The road skirted the pastures Boilers (leading by Kopa on White), where the transition, especially at high water levels, constituted a serious problem. Currently, the existing road over the stream was built around 1905. In the mid-nineteenth century upłaz White located in the Dry Valley (western arm of the White Valley) in the spring served as an intermediate step for sheep driven to the Hall Kondratowa merest track through rugged Giewont. In this supposedly known upłazie Guide Tatra Bartholomew Obrochta played the violin well known zbójnikowi Wojtek Matei.

In the early 50s Twentieth century was carried out in the valley seeking uranium ore, forging the right side of the two tunnels, a length of about 500 meters each. Bottom hole of them are labeled with yellow tourist route. The Triassic volcanic shales were tuffites often containing uranium ore. At the time of this work, the valley was closed to tourists and closely guarded.

Time required to cover the whole route: 2h 55m
Length of the entire route: 6,5km