HostelPTTK Mountain Hostel at Hala Łabowska

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PTTK Mountain Hostel at Hala Łabowska

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temperature: 12°C / 5°C
Mostly cloudy

A Shack Altar on Hala Turbacz

Hala Turbacz is located on the southern slope below the Czoło Turbacza peak. It was once a vibrant pastoral meadow, a reminder of which is a deteriorating shack on its outskirts. In spring, the place is full of blooming crocuses.

In the middle of the clearing, a field altar styled like a shelter was built. It was created in 2003 on the site of an old shepherd hut in which on 17th September 1953, Karol Wojtyła celebrated a mass for a group of students with whom he hiked. It is particularly worth mentioning that he did so with his face turned to the faithful, and it was 10 years before the Second Vatican Council, on which the liturgy was reformed.

Some time later, Prof. Jerzy Janik recalled the day as follows:
"... One late summer evening, on 17th September 1953, we got together with Uncle (not yet a bishop) to the Klikuszowa village at the foot of the Gorce Mountains. Everyone liked the idea of a night climb on Turbacz; the weather was beautiful, a moonlit night. The climb (with a discussion of course) lasted several hours. Finally, we left pasture at the so-called Czoło Turbacza. There was a large shack full of hay. But before we went to bed we lit a fireplace, ate something and sang...
On those trips, Uncle celebrated the Holy Masses for us. There, on Turbacz, he said: You know, the Church is trying to introduce elements of the new liturgy. One of these elements is the position of the priest celebrating Holy Mass - he is supposed to face the people. Let's do that.
In the shack's door, we fixed a board to strengthen the structure, and put a stack of hay. Uncle stood inside the shack at the board, facing us, which become the altar, and we were outside the shack. In nomine Patris ... he began in Latin, of course - we had to wait a few more years for the language change. And so, under the Gorce peak, the Holy Sacrifice to the glory of the Creator of the surrounding nature took place.
During the Mass, the farmers of one of the villages near Gorce came to collect hay. They came over to our shack - church, and knelt reverently. "

To commemorate this event, since 2003, on every third Sunday of September a Holy Mass has been celebrated.