HostelPTTK Mountain Hostel at Hala Łabowska

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PTTK Mountain Hostel at Hala Łabowska

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PTTK Mountain Hostel at Hala Łabowska
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PTTK Mountain Hostel at Hala Łabowska

This mountain hostel is situated at the altitude of 1061 m a.s.l. in the central part of the Jaworzyna Krynicka Mountain Range in the Beskid Sądecki.

The first facility at Hala Łabowska was a tourist shelter built in October 1953 by the Nowy Sącz PTTK branch. Further expansions took place between 1973 and 1980.

For a few years now, the hostel has been undergoing reconstruction and modernization. Thanks to the efforts of the "Karpaty" company, the roof has been insulated, and at the start of the 2012 tourist season, a new glass-enclosed veranda appeared.

At present, the hostel offers 60 beds in 4-, 8- and multi-person rooms. PTTK discounts are accepted. Apart from accommodating single travellers, there are youth, school, summer and winter camps, as well as various tourist events, celebrations and New Year's Eve parties organised in the hostel.

The hostel is located in the Poprad Landscape Park. There are three nature reserves, as well as interesting monuments to the memory of the guerrilla fights in the vicinity of the hostel. It also constitutes a perfect base camp for those who want to go hiking, biking or horse riding in the mountains. In winter, there are cross-country ski trails prepared for the enthusiasts of this sport, and in the hostel one can rent sledges, skis or snowshoes. In the surroundings of the hostel, you can find deer, wildcats, lynxes, black storks, grouse, and even wolves or bears.

The Tourist Rally of Mjr. Julian Zubek "Tatar", a famous commander of the Home Army operating in the area, takes place here each year in September.

Contact details:
Address: Schronisko Górskie PTTK na Hali Łabowskiej
33-336 Łabowa
Phone numbers: +48 18 447 64 53
+48 600 890 864

The housekeeper of the hostel is Adam Sylka.
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