HostelPTTK Mountain Hostel at Hala Łabowska

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PTTK Mountain Hostel at Hala Łabowska

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temperature: 12°C / 5°C
Mostly cloudy

Władysław Orkan Museum in a church in Rabka-Zdrój

The museum is housed in an old larch church of 1606, which is one of the most valuable monuments of wooden sacral architecture. It was built by carpenters living in the mountains, in accordance with old traditions. The pole-frame construction of the tower built on in the 18th century contains no nails.

Inside, a valuable monument is the organ and the choir stall from 1778. It is worth noting that the instrument is in full working order and in the summertime organ concerts take place here.

The museum was opened to the public in August 1936. It was established at the initiative of the members of the Polish Tatra Society. Museum exhibits show the material and spiritual culture of people living in the Podhale region, as well as in Zagórze, Kliszczaków, Babia Góra and Białe Górale. Most of the collected items come from the 19th and 20th centuries. You can see here, among other, a wonderful collection of folk holy images and glass paintings.

The museum hosts many events, including annual "Festival of Wielkanocne Zwyki" (on Holy Saturday) bringing closer the forgotten traditions related to Easter; the Festival of Music "Three Worlds" (courtly organ and mountain music); or Prof. Tischner Festival of Mountain Humour.


Muzeum Władysława Orkana
ul. Orkana 2

34-700 Rabka-Zdrój