HostelPTTK Mountain Hostel on Luboń Wielki

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PTTK Mountain Hostel on Luboń Wielki

Show route


temperature: 27°C / 12°C
Lightly cloudy

Tourist attractions

  • Rabka-Zdrój

  • Rafting on the Dunajec

  • Szczawnica and a unique bat habitat

  • The brilliant primitivist of Krynica

  • The Church of All Saints in Krościenko

  • The European Festival of Jan Kiepura

  • The Gothic Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Ujanowice

  • The Homole Ravine

  • The Manor House and the Regional Chamber in Kamienica

  • The Manor House in Laskowa

  • The Papal Chapel in the Rusnakowa Clearing

  • The Partisan Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Szczawa

  • The Passion of Christ in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska

  • The ruins of the medieval castle and city walls in Dobczyce

  • The wooden Orthodox Church in Jastrzębik

  • Władysław Orkan Museum in a church in Rabka-Zdrój

  • Zamek Czorsztyn

  • Zubrzyca Górna