HostelShelter for Gasienicowa

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Shelter for Gasienicowa

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Shelter for Gasienicowa
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Shelter for Gasienicowa

PTTK shelter "Murowaniec" on Gasienicowa - lodge in the mountains at an altitude of 1500 m above sea level, Gasienicowa. Was built between 1921-1925 by the Polish Tatra Society. After a fire in 1964 it was rebuilt. It has 120 beds in 3 -, 4 -, 5 -, 8 - and 10-passenger. It is managed by the Polish Tourist Country-Lovers.

"Murowaniec" staged in the years 1921-1925 Warsaw Branch of the PTT, mainly thanks to the efforts of the President Stanislaw Osiecki (plaque, 1969). The first sketches of buildings "with a large boulder nieobrabianych outside" outlined in the spring of 1914, architect John Koszczyc Witkiewicz, authors of the final draft were Zdzislaw Siciński Kalinowski and Charles. The construction of a lot of effort put three climbing Company Podhale Rifle Regiment. From 1923 to build shelters, the majority were 5 Engineer Regiment based in Krakow (the Kosciuszko Mound) and 1 Railway Engineer Regiment also from Krakow.

Opened by July 12, 1925 President of Poland, Stanisław Wojciechowski in the presence of the Speaker of the Senate and General Wojciech Trąmpczyńskiego Zaruskiego Marius. In 1950-51 was built west. wings and converted interior, increasing the facility to its present size. In 1963, the lodge burned down in part, and was rebuilt (by the way, without the famous room in the attic, called the "coffin"). The head of the site is from 1983 and TOPR Mountain Rescue lifeguard, Andrew Kusion who leads in recent years, the modernization of the object.

At the entrance to the shelter hangs a tablet in memory of Adam Asnyka, built in 1929, unveiled in 1930. The project of 1927 provided wkucie her one of the rocks above the Sea Eye.

Curious about the shelter is to put in a staircase balustrade marks the swastika, called by the Highlanders' cross the unexpected. " It was also a favorite symbol of Mieczyslaw Karlowicz and Valery Elijah-Radzikowskiego.


source: wikipedia
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