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Bacówka PTTK nad Wierchomlą im. Stanisława Nowaka

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Koronkowe robótki w Koniakowie

Koniaków is known from intricately crocheted laces from white or cream cotton twist. Lace crocheting began to develop here in the late nineteenth century, under the influence of bourgeois fashion. It became famous quite fast and was promoted on courses, and currently there is no house in which crochet tablecloths, treads, curtains, or items of clothing are not made.

The exhibition of these beautiful laces was created at the initiative of the late Maria Gwarkowa, who gave a part of her own house for the purposes of the exhibition. One can admire here e.g. bonnets, collars, crochet gloves, and even a wedding dress. Particularly important is an unfinished silk tablecloth that Maria Gwarkowa was crocheting for the English Queen Elizabeth II, and unfortunately did not manage to hand it over.

The works from Koniaków can be found, though, on the tables of other European queens, as well as popes and on the other side of the ocean - on President Kennedy's table.


Muzeum Koronki w Koniakowie

Koniaków 301

43-474 Koniaków